Short News

Short News from CSC Team Austria   Back to Main Page  

The result lists is handled in software sponsored by, trial services for Sheepdog Trials.
Note:  The results from the finals will be relished after the prizegiving seremony according to the CSC rules

Due to the ongoing threat from the Bluetongue virus to infect sheep we ask everybody to take precautions not to bring mites that could carry the virus into Austria.
Make sure not to carry any mites with you in your car.

We are offering on site catering, but we kindly ask you to order and pay your food in advance, That will make it easier for us and our catering company to calculate the amount of ingrediencies.

You will get vouchers at the registration for the food you preordered.
You can preorder your meals here

Wednesday evening, we are offering free snacks and drinks at the trial field.

Saturday evening there will be party and barbecue. 

All entries are in and it's closed for further entries.
All teams are shown  here
And  the  running orders are  here

Entries have now been opened.
Notice that the TEAM-Form shall only be filled in once and by the person responsible for the team.
Entry forms and payment must be received on July. 22. 2024 at latest.
Payment should be done by country. i.e. ONLY ONE bank transfer pr. country.
Young Handlers shall not pay starting fee

For the CSC 2024 Meatlinc sheep will be used.
They are kindly borrowed to us by Verena and Andreas Kettl.
He will be present to tell you all about his sheep in case someone wants more information about them.
Thank you, Andi

After receiving feedback from many CSC countries and having some time of discussion about the question Young Handler or Brace Competition at the CSC2024 in Austria, the Austrian ASDS board has come to the following conclusion:
To support the next generation of young farmers and young people who have a good feeling and relation to animals like Sheepdogs and sheep and love to work with them, the ASDS will organize a Young handler competition embedded within the CSC2024 in Austria.
We are looking forward to meeting all the qualified and promising young people from your countries to compete successfully at the Young handler Competition 2024 in Austria.

The board of the ASDS has decided that they would like to organize a Brace Competition embedded in the CSC2024 instead of a Young Handler Competition.

Judges will be:

Floyd Farthing, Wales and David McMullan, North Ireland 

Course Director: Nigel Watkins, Wales 

Dear participants of the 2024 Continental Sheepdog Championship in Austria,

We want to welcome you on our Facebook page.

The Trial will be held from the 28th of August until the 1st of September 2024 in the middle of Austria, Styria, close to the Skiing and Hiking Site “Präbichl”, Village of Vordernberg.

There is plenty to do and explore besides the trial, accommodation addresses will follow soon.

The board of the ASDS has come to the conclusion that it will alter the entry deadline for CSC2024 from earlier proclaimed 1st of July 2024 (01.07.2024) to the 22nd of July 2024 (22.07.2024).

The info from ASDS concerning entry deadline for CSC2024, it will be:
Monday, 1st of July 2024 (01.07.2024) 

It is now confirmed that the CSC 2024 will be held in the Austrian region Styria in the days 28./08. to 01./09. -2024

The Austrian Sheep Dog Society (ASDS) has existed since 1988 and has been an associated member of the International Sheep Dog Society (ISDS) since 2004.