Members of the CSS ®
The Continental sheepdog Society is a co-operation of Working Sheepdog Societies of Europe
Members of the Continental Sheepdog Society
™ ®
The Continental Sheepdog Society (CSS) - former the organizing Committee of the Continental Sheepdog Championship (CCSC) - is a cooperation between:
Austria - Österreichischer Hütehundeverein (ASDS)
Belgium - FSB Federatie Schapendrijven België
Czech Republic - Klubu Pracovních Ovčáckých Psů ČR z.s. (KPOP-CR)
Denmark - Dansk Hyrdehunde Klub (DHK)
Faroe Islands - Føroya Seydahundafelag
Finland - Suomen Paimenkoirayhdistys (SPKY)
France - Association Française du Border Collie (AFBC)
Germany - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Border Collie Deutschland e.V. (ABCD)
Hungary - Hungarian Sheep Dog Society (HSDS)
Italy - Associazione Italiana Sheepdog (ISDA)
The Netherlands - Border Collie Club Nederland (BCCN)
Norway - Norsk Sau og Geit (NSG)
Poland - Klub Pracujących Psów Pasterskich (KPPP)
Portugal - Associação Portuguesa de Utilizadores de Cães Pastores (Apucap)
Spain - Asociación del Border Collie de Trabajo (ABCT)
Sweden - Svenska Vallhundsklubben (SVAK)
Switzerland - Swiss Sheepdog Society (SSDS)
and the International Sheep Dog Society (UK).